Wednesday, January 25, 2012

King of Kings: Google

Go to
Click More at the top
Now click Even More
Scroll, scroll, scroll to the bottom
See the Google Alerts? Click it.
Fill it out!

In my Teaching Grammar (a wonderful class despite its less than adrenaline pumping title) we set up Google Alerts for grammar related topics, but as I subscribed to alerts on prepositional phrases, I decided alerts on Shakespeare would be interesting. For the last week I've been getting a daily email from Google with 10 or so links and abstracts of high traveled sites about, referencing or linking to Shakespeare. Some of the links aren't super helpful and some are. Did you know they have big hooplah birthday party for Shakespeare in London? Have you heard about the protests because of the Hebrew version of Merchant of Venice? Did you hear that a judge quoted Merchant of Venice in a federal appeals court in Pennsylvania? Everyday I see people referencing, planning or quoting Shakespeare packaged in one nice email from Google.


Bri... only she said...

Ooooooh! Great idea! Thanks for the tip! I wonder if Twitter does something similar!

Unknown said...

i wish i could find as cool of ideas as you always do!

Mikhaela said...

Now this is really useful. Thanks for showing me how to do it!

Gideon Burton said...

So glad you taught us about Google alerts. You know what else you can do? Take the RSS feed from an alert and subscribe to this in Google Reader. That way you don't have to have it clutter your email inbox and you can read alerts while consuming other Google Reader info.